Many teachers, schools and libraries compile summer reading lists for students. While, of course, we want to be sure to honor the school's assignments that are expected to be completed come August, the best summer reading is the Scripture.
Over the years, I have witnessed that when students begin to read the Word on a daily basis, they experience a breakthrough in reading. The Bible can be a Children's version or The Message translation- but the truth being read aloud every day washes over our students and truly renews their minds.
An easy and effective Bible Reading plan could be:
-One chapter in the Book of Proverbs each day. The book of Proverbs has 31 chapters, so even if you have to skip a day, you can pick up on the chapter that has the same number as the date on the calendar. Maybe this can help us keep track of the date in the summer!
-One chapter in the New Testament each week day. Over the summer, your child can at least read the entire account of Jesus' ministry in the Gospel of Matthew by reading one chapter every weekday.